A CRM is Useless Without Workflow Automation
What makes workflow automation so great?
So, you’ve finally invested in a great Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution. You’re expecting it to manage your customer relationships and sales team efficiently and effectively, but what makes the best return on investment for your CRM business solution? The answer is workflow automation. If your Customer Relationship Management system doesn’t have workflow automation built in, you are not truly getting the best value within your CRM software. Workflow automation could end up saving you time, money, and most importantly, customers.
So what makes workflow automation so great? Here are just a few benefits:
Reduces administrative errors
Improves communication and collaboration across business departments
Automates unique business processes
Creates closed loop communication within each marketing campaign to better track success
Where can I find a CRM that can do all of these things?
Sage CRM is a great place to start when looking for process centric CRM software. Sage CRM automates all sales and marketing activities to improve sales and retain or gain customers. Sage makes sure that you have full control of your business and not only ensures your business runs on workflow automation, but gives you the ability to manage how that information flows through your business. As a result, workflow automation reduces administrative errors, improves communication across your organization, and improves business process efficiencies. In addition, this CRM solution drives user adoption in that it is simple and easy to use. So even if you’re unsure about switching CRM solutions, Sage CRM makes switching easy.
How can Sage CRM use work flow automation to help me in sales and marketing efforts?
Sage CRM automates both your Sales and Marketing activities to enhance and improve your sales, marketing, and customer service abilities. It can do this in the following ways:
Standardize lead qualification and follow up protocol
Automate the approval of quotes and discounts
Improve analysis of pipeline progress
Create high-quality, targeted marketing communications.
Measure campaign effectiveness and learn from past experience
Through its customizable and interactive dashboard view, Sage CRM maximizes your sales activities by giving you instant access from your desktop or mobile device to current opportunities, leads, calendar, sales performance, contacts, financials, and much more. By automating your sales workflow, your sales employees are able to better manage their leads and interactions with potential customers. For example, sales reps can track their pipeline progress and schedule notifications for follow-up calls to ensure they stay on track of prospective clients. Automating workflow also results in your sales team no longer having to rely on manual processes to determine quotes or discounts to offer because it will all be automated and accurate.
Sage CRM enhances your marketing efforts by allowing users to build effective marketing campaigns based on detailed customer information from Sage 100 ERP such as buying trends, products purchased, and target markets. An additional unique feature that Sage CRM offers to help with your marketing efforts is MailChimp. This is an email-based marketing tool that allows you to gain better insight on your email marketing campaigns by providing you with analytics on the campaign such as how many people opened the email, what they clicked on, etc. This will enable your business to determine your campaign effectiveness and overall return on investment.
In addition, since your business will be interconnected through your Sage CRM, Sale and Marketing efforts will coincide. For example, one problem businesses sometimes face from having manual processes is miscommunication. Marketing may start a campaign that your sales team is unaware of, resulting in inconsistent messages. To counteract this problem, Sage CRM automates sale and marketing workflow so that sales can see active marketing campaigns and marketing can be sure that their campaigns will be supported by their sales representatives. This increase in communication and collaboration among your sales and marketing teams will result in better and more effective campaigns to target your customers.
Sage CRM also automates workflow in your customer service department!
By having a CRM solution that automates workflow, there will no longer be ambiguity or uncertainty when addressing a customer or a customer issue. Sage CRM gives your business the ability to give all employees access to a central source that has current and accurate information on all customers from real-time order status to payment history. This will allow your employees to feel empowered to solve any problem your customers may be having because they will know they have access to the right information and have the resources to do so. Additionally, your business can develop a repeatable process when it comes to how you wish to handle your customer service processes. For example, through workflow automation, your business can develop a consistent set of rules that your employees can follow to ensure consistency in how customer information is gathered, how cases escalate, or how issues are to be resolved. This will help your business greatly in reducing administrative errors or error as a result of inconsistent company information.
Sage CRM also gives managers the ability to set up notifications to show them the progress of customer cases and when a case is beginning to escalate to ensure that that customer is always taken care of or their issue is resolved. This also ensures that managers can keep track of and monitor their employees to verify all employees are following customer service protocols, which in turn improves business processes and efficiencies.
Automating workflow is important for a successful business
Not only will automating workflow increase productivity, sales, and communication across your business, it will also ensure that your customers are taken care of. As a business owner, I’m sure you know how valuable customer experiences are to a profitable company. You can be rest assured knowing there are CRM solutions like Sage CRM that will be there to ensure your business is giving the best customer service to retain and gain new customers that will, in turn, expand and grow your business rapidly. So, whether you decide to invest in Sage CRM or another CRM solution, be sure it automates workflow, because that is the foundation to an effective Customer Relationship Management solution and a prosperous business.
Still have questions?
For more information about Sage software and how it can help your specific business needs, contact us at ICS by calling (562) 981-0125 or by sending an email to sales@innovativeconsultingservices.net. You can also visit us online at http://innovativeconsultingservices.net/sage-100-erp.